Getting Out of Cope: Møns Klint & Dyrehaven

Don’t get me wrong, living in Copenhagen is a dream, but sometimes I think that people get stuck in the bubble of the city. Denmark also exists very much outside the city borders. So, when I got the chance to get outside of Copenhagen and explore the cliffs of the southern coast of Denmark calledContinue reading “Getting Out of Cope: Møns Klint & Dyrehaven”

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French Onion Soup?!? In France?!?

Surprise!! For the second half of Travel Week 1, my friends and I headed to the proclaimed city of love and baguettes. Many others can probably relate to this statement, but I always wanted to go to Paris at some point in my life. Studying abroad offered me the perfect opportunity to do just thatContinue reading “French Onion Soup?!? In France?!?”

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Old Friends and New Places :)

Get ready people because here’s a run-down of my Travel Week 1…well the first part of it at least. Just as a refresher, Travel Weeks are an allotted chunk of time that DIS includes in their academic semester. We are given two travel weeks with one being dedicated to travel with your core class andContinue reading “Old Friends and New Places :)”

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